Monthly Archives: March 2013

Music Doesn’t Heal It F*****g Pumps You Up

I like music. Like, a lot.

When I was in Mumbai I used to listen to Eminem. Now, it’s not the most peaceful music, but seriously it was so cool. I grew up listening to bollywood music and watching people dance around trees in rain and that sort of stuff. So when you think Eminem music is crazy, trust me you haven’t seen what crazy is 🙂

But at the same time, I used to listen to old bollywood songs. Almost always romantic. When it came to english music, the only romantic song I knew was the titanic legend ‘My Heart Will Go On’, everything apart from that was Eminem.

7 years later, I am here sitting on a desk in the UK and listening to bollywood music. No, again, it is not the dance tracks it is more soulful and melodious. And it’s funny how in India I lived by Eminem and now I crave for bollywood music.

I actually even listen to music at work and it helps me to forget everybody else and blank out everything – just focus on the work at hand. In a way for me, music doesn’t heal anything, it just fucking pumps me up to finish the job I am doing.

Music is motivator, it is like a dictator who can do no wrong, it is like your second half, it will play your emotions and in a few minutes flip to something totally different. Memories, another random part of life that is connected with music.

Sometimes I listen to a song and think, ha, I remember I used to listen to this with xyz person or bugger, she loved this song and I remember listening to it like a 100 times with her. All sorts of memories that now just are that, memories, the only thing you clutch onto sometimes from that person.

* Just when I finish this article, a bollywood song I used to listen to with one of my bestest friend as a kind has come on. Ah man, if only I could sit with him late nights and talk about crap. Miss you dude. Music, such a twisting element of life, just saying…

Geeks Guide To Cooking – OMFG


OMFG – whoever made this is just crazy awesome! A geek’s guide to cooking. OK now I am not too geeky and not too ‘cooky’ either, but this is pretty cool. 

I would genuinely like to – 

  • Cook a pizza at 1000 degC to see how fast it cooks! (to be fair it might just burn)
  • Bloggie Sport HD handheld camera, waterproof for blogging from inside a cake mix
  • Make liquid nitrogen ice-cream

You what the trouble is? You won’t impress your date with it. Nope you just won’t.Image

Turning Air Into Water – Magic? No. Science? Yes.

Internally, the panel consists of five devices that extract water vapour from the air using a condenser and filters.

Water is stored in tanks at the top of the structure. Once filtered, it flows down a pipe connected to a tap, accessible to everybody.

The internal system costs some US$1,200 (£790) to set up.

On the publicity side, the panel itself seeks to attract the “creative minds that Peru needs” to the young UTEC, which was founded only a year ago.

Read the whole story on BBC.

This is pretty cool isn’t it? I mean it’s a lot better than the national media banging on about having a car that runs on water – which is an overly simplistic view of exactly what goes on and I still haven’t seen one on the road. 

I still can’t find more information on the internal working of this air to water billboard, but sounds pretty good. I can see of more than one country having the room to set one of these ups. Just saying…