To Cook Or Not To Cook, That Is The Question

It’s been a crazy day, I am sure most of you have them, infact all of us have them.

I started my day at 9 am and that was a disaster, was told off at work for no mistake of my own, and the only way to manage that disaster was to apologise then and leave quietly. Thankfully the person on the other end is out of country and not my manager, else holy ravioli! And then at the end played footy with the guys from 5-6, the bus was late which means by the time I was home, it was 7pm.

It is now 7.50 pm in the UK and I still haven’t decided what to eat for dinner.

I am such a lazy bugger when it comes to cooking. I hate cooking just for myself! Don’t you? Like seriously, you put all that effort into cooking and at the end you are left with eating it alone… I hate that.

But since I have decided to cut down on junk food, I have to cook something or not? I have spent last ten minutes thinking about it and probably will spend the next 10 mins after the blog is done. I am useless when it comes to cooking.

Do you cook a lot? I am trying to, I have a friend she helps me by motivating me and sometimes simply laughing at me – so I am like even more motivated to cook.

Sometimes I think how my mum used to cook everyday and think wow, she must have more brains than me! To work the whole day and still have the brains and energy to cook twice is pretty legendary don’t you think? I stay away from my family for work reasons, but honestly I can eat a goat if my mum cooked it for me!

Anyways, I will see what to cook now and if lot cook, then sort me out with some quick recipes please.

p.s. I actually wanted to once start a food blog but then that motivation died down due to time restriction, just saying….

Since we are on the cooking subject I saw this on pinterest, pretty cool idea isn’t it?

cooking idea

2 thoughts on “To Cook Or Not To Cook, That Is The Question

  1. Pingback: Motivation To Cook – A New Spice Rack | Just Saying...

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