Turning Air Into Water – Magic? No. Science? Yes.

Internally, the panel consists of five devices that extract water vapour from the air using a condenser and filters.

Water is stored in tanks at the top of the structure. Once filtered, it flows down a pipe connected to a tap, accessible to everybody.

The internal system costs some US$1,200 (£790) to set up.

On the publicity side, the panel itself seeks to attract the “creative minds that Peru needs” to the young UTEC, which was founded only a year ago.

Read the whole story on BBC.

This is pretty cool isn’t it? I mean it’s a lot better than the national media banging on about having a car that runs on water – which is an overly simplistic view of exactly what goes on and I still haven’t seen one on the road. 

I still can’t find more information on the internal working of this air to water billboard, but sounds pretty good. I can see of more than one country having the room to set one of these ups. Just saying…

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