Monthly Archives: April 2013

Know Your Coffee Like Your Woman

You know, a lot of wise men said a lot of wise things, but none said any about coffee. I say why not?

It’s the first thing I do before I start work. I sip a cup of coffee and no I don’t like having a coffee in hurry, I like it sitting down, enjoying myself to a cup of strong coffee whilst the world around me burns in hate. I don’t like those pretentious fake coffee drinkers who add flavours to coffee! I like mine simple and strong.

Pretty much how I like women, simple, smelling awesome and hot! Steaming with passion and oozing breathe…. and so much more.

No wise man said this, but I do “Know your coffee like your woman (or man) for no man will rule the world without the love of his woman or the support of his coffee. It is not for mortals to chose, you either courage upto both or bury your head and look no more. For hero’s are not made of lavender, they are born of hard strong coffee”

Anyways, sometimes I wish I was a film writer or shakespeare’s youngest son, alas I am none. Off to do my bit and drink coffee. Just saying…


Currently Reading: Steve Jobs

I am currently reading Steve Jobs. It’s pretty cool so far. The first 100 pages of the book make me think, really, this guy built APPLE to where it is today?

He was a liberal hippy, smoking pot, being a fruitarian and bathing once a week during his start-up years.

Don’t get me wrong, it is pretty cool to read.

‘I Would Do Anything To Be With You’ – WTF, Really? Why?

There is something in me which just does not like people making phrases like ‘Oh I could give my life to get something back’. Why? What’s the point? Because technically you will not be there to use that thing. 

Here are the phrases which people really need to get over and do better. 

1. I would give anything to kick <insert famous person’s name> ass

When any friend of mine says that, I just go, dude WTF? grow up. You would give anything to kick somebody’s ass… why not give anything to do something more productive? Like cooking or baking? Make some cup-cakes, everybody loves cup-cakes. Infact I walk more than 10 yards (that’s an effort and a half) to random people at my work place and say hello, if I see cupcakes on their desk. 

2. There is no place I would be apart right now apart from in your arms (to gf/bf)

OMG…. have you ever thought you could be in nice sunny weather in Goa? Or on the top floor of Burj Khalifa building in Dubai? Would you rather not be on the International Space Station and sign into foursquare? You know, you could be the first person to do that, freaking hell now that would be awesome! 

It’s so crazy when people live in a small bubble. The world around you is crazy. It is big, it is smarter than you and it is all magic. 

You know half the things in the world would be solved if only people looked around and observed. 

I was once having a debate (more like an argument, actually more like I was taking the piss out of a few friends) saying that education does not mean going through books and writing exams. If a man knows how to plant a seed and watch the plant grown, that for me is educated enough. 

The growing plant actually teaches us the importance of stating small and going big (entrepreneurship).

That plant will bear fruits and flowers which are born, live and die, sort of like a new product on the market (product life-cycle lesson).

That plant has to be watered at regular intervals (time management).

That plant grows towards the sun rays and you can see the motion it takes up whilst its growing. understand if the plant is near a window how should it be rotated / moved so as it doesn’t grow ‘wrongly’ (engineering + common sense).

And so much more…. but anyways this isn’t a post about it. I don’t know why did I even write that bit. 

The point is, when you say ‘I would do anything to be with you’ my obvious reply would be go away, so you are torn between going away and being with me, ha! Just saying…
