Monthly Archives: July 2013

Some Pictures In / From My New Place

So, I moved into my new place and thought I will Instagram a bit. I have attached some pics below. You can maybe visit my Instagram profile to have a better look.

Me! On Instagram

Sometimes Titles Are Useless, Let’s Just Write What I Feel.

Sometimes when everything is going fine, you need just one bump to throw it all into disarray. You are angry, you are frustrated, you think you will break, you are sad and you are disappointed with the world. That’s how I was 3 weeks ago. I was having stressful weeks at work, I had lost my work-life balance, my girlfriend was away for few weeks and then my housemate decided to move out and I couldn’t afford the house and bills so I had to look for a smaller one bed place for myself. All of this happened within a space of 2 days. 

I am now in my new place. I have better perception of work-life balance and work is less stressful. My girlfriend is back and I have my support back. 

It almost shows you that how many ever times you are down, you will come back up again. Everytime, faster and smarter than before. I am now going to start living my life from scratch. Which brings me to the next topic of living healthy.

Living Healthy 

Ok, so a bit of background. On 9 Jan 2012 I broke my ankle playing football. I was tackled on my left leg and that was it. It was in plaster and I was told I am in plaster for 6-12 weeks. It was only one month into my new job this happened. It was difficult, I kept the job but at that point I decided, I will come back stronger from this injury. I will get better, fitter, stronger in football. I was Rank 17th out of 45 on the list of footballers at my work place group. I got rid of the plaster after 4 weeks. And went through physiotherapy for a few months. Finally after 6 months of that I started playing football with lower level players and grew some confidence. Then I finally started playing again with my old football group. I was dropped to 20th rank and I had to start again. Last week I was ranked No.3! That was it, all the hours in the gym all the time thinking of getting stronger and better at football paid off.

Now I want to reduce a lot of my weight and get fitter. Have a better and healthy lifestyle. I want to have a better outlook, I want to feel better and enjoy life with confidence. I have a lovely girlfriend and I want to enjoy my time with her.

It’s an exciting time as I start again. With a lot more things in perspective. My work will never reduce, I know that, but I want to be more efficient in the way I do it.  I want to take on less and finish more. I will only do few things at a time but want to do them well. 

Plan. Plan. Plan. No over committing or over dreaming. I have a life to enjoy, I have a girlfriend to enjoy it with and I have a world to conquer for her. Which I will.