Monthly Archives: September 2013

Disclaimer: My flip flops are Made In Syria, and I love them

It’s 19.16 hours in the UK as I write this. By same time tomorrow the US will have got permission to bomb Syria. Nope, not a war (we are told) but to send a sign to the Syrian regime. And they are not alone, countries like France, Turkey, the Arabs, Canada, Australia, etc would support them in action.

Now, I am not a political commentator. And I have no affiliation to anyone. Quite frankly if not for the flip flops I wear, which are Made In Syria, I have nothing that I know of Syria.

But let’s just take few minutes to think, how many more are going to die, in the indiscriminate bombing.

Whoever carried out the Chemical Attack in Syria, that was bad. I don’t care if it was the regime or rebels. Who is so heartless so as to kill people, kill their own people? Kill their own innocent people?

And again, with the bombings, let us not fool ourselves, there will be innocent deaths. And I will tell you what, technology is of no use if it is not smart enough to separate good from bad.

And those of you asking for the action, think again, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

I hope the Syrian regime and the Syrian rebels look themselves in the mirror and realise what they’ve done to their own country. Arms my friend never solved a problem.

Arms kill. That is all they do.

I just wanted to say it and I have. If you think you have more political brains than me, please do comment. If not, carry on with what you were doing 5 minutes ago.