Monthly Archives: January 2014

Kitchen Gadgets That I Love For Use / Innovation

I am not a kitchen guy, but I am a tech guy yes. And if you can put some tech into kitchen then I would love to spend some more time there 🙂

I came across these innovative or lazy concept / real tools for use in the kitchen and thought I will share. Honestly, some of them, I could esily have in my flat. I hope I can buy atleast a couple for when I buy a house.


This is useful. OK maybe not once you are out of Uni, but still. It makes my list.


OK, maybe I will never have this, but it solves a really good problem you know. Or maybe not, I am not even sure if it does what I think it does. 🙂


Say what you want, this is so going on my desk. Someday my beauty you will be with me.


Yes, totally want it.


Every man’s problem sitting in front of couch. One thing, in my arms, voila.


me minion

Me Most Of The Time

This is me, most of the time. I will say something or do something or suggest something and everybody around me will be like WTF. Well, doesn’t matter if no one notices, when I know I am right, holy ravioli, I stick to it.

In fact when I stick to something, I am like fire in a dragons belly, always sticking. And that’s what you should be like. Stick to what you believe in, it freakin doesn’t hurt you does it? And be strong to be knocked down by others. It’s the part of getting up that brings smile to my face.

If you can take one piece of advice from me take this, try so many times and get up so many times that fate itself thinks, this son of a gun is a pain, give it to him 🙂

Crazy quote, I know, but hey what’s being normal any use of!

The Video That Changed My Perspective Of Suits. The Men Inside The Suits

This morning browsing through random stuff, I cam across the new advert (2014) for GUINNESS and immediately took to it! It’s a video with powerful yet elegant music and introduces ‘Sapeurs’, the elegant people of Congo. Not rich, not wealthy nor businessy. Just peaceful group of people who chose to dress up in suits.

Watching the ad changed my perspective of suits. And I really want to try and be more elegant and creative with my clothes. Not expensive, mind you. Just elegant.

On digging a bit more, I also came across a five minute documentary of the people inside the suits and who exactly are Sapeurs. See the link below for that.

I respect the people who came up with the idea of this ad. You’ve introduced a different society to me today and one I cherish. Here’s the link to documentary.