Category Archives: Blogging

Some Pictures In / From My New Place

So, I moved into my new place and thought I will Instagram a bit. I have attached some pics below. You can maybe visit my Instagram profile to have a better look.

Me! On Instagram

Know Your Coffee Like Your Woman

You know, a lot of wise men said a lot of wise things, but none said any about coffee. I say why not?

It’s the first thing I do before I start work. I sip a cup of coffee and no I don’t like having a coffee in hurry, I like it sitting down, enjoying myself to a cup of strong coffee whilst the world around me burns in hate. I don’t like those pretentious fake coffee drinkers who add flavours to coffee! I like mine simple and strong.

Pretty much how I like women, simple, smelling awesome and hot! Steaming with passion and oozing breathe…. and so much more.

No wise man said this, but I do “Know your coffee like your woman (or man) for no man will rule the world without the love of his woman or the support of his coffee. It is not for mortals to chose, you either courage upto both or bury your head and look no more. For hero’s are not made of lavender, they are born of hard strong coffee”

Anyways, sometimes I wish I was a film writer or shakespeare’s youngest son, alas I am none. Off to do my bit and drink coffee. Just saying…


Geeks Guide To Cooking – OMFG


OMFG – whoever made this is just crazy awesome! A geek’s guide to cooking. OK now I am not too geeky and not too ‘cooky’ either, but this is pretty cool. 

I would genuinely like to – 

  • Cook a pizza at 1000 degC to see how fast it cooks! (to be fair it might just burn)
  • Bloggie Sport HD handheld camera, waterproof for blogging from inside a cake mix
  • Make liquid nitrogen ice-cream

You what the trouble is? You won’t impress your date with it. Nope you just won’t.Image