Category Archives: Data Visualisation

Statistical Creativity This is a Hans Rosling video from BBC which is wor

Statistical Creativity

This is a Hans Rosling video from BBC which is worth a watch. The video is interesting on two notes:

  1. It shows two hundred years worth of population / health data in mere 4 minutes. And more clearly than I have ever seen or remember. This video explains quickly and pictorially (sort of) how exactly the trends have been over the world for 200 years.
  2. On a statistical note, it clearly demonstrates the creativity that can be applied to data! This is just beautiful, the way the video has been made, I agree it’s animation and a lot of budget and im-practical in some sense. But hey, this is Broken Sense, these ideas make it here.

A right mixture of sense / data / creativity / simplicity it is worth a watch. Even more so because it has been recommended by Bill Gates on his tweets (yes, it made it to the top tweets).

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