Category Archives: Food

Health – often neglected and then it screws you

I fell ill yesterday and now I have recovered, apart from some throat irritation that will sort out (hopefully) soon. It is also a time when i reflect back and think how I have neglected health for some time now.

For the past two weeks I have felt a bit low with health. I wasn’t ill, but I knew I was eating crap food and eating too much of it. Apart from a couple of days of football, I had almost no sporting activity or exercise. And with my team-lead on holiday, my responsibility has increased over the past two weeks.

But now I am sitting on my couch and thinking how much I have neglected my health. It’s unfair and really a sorry state of affair in my personal life. Because it directly impacts how i behave with people, my outlook etc. I need to take control of it again. I hate things being out of control, I don’t mind things being bad or stressful, till I have control of them. I think, this latest illness is a wake up call to get up and do something.

So here are a couple of promises for next month –

1. Eat healthy
2. Eat moderately
3. No more than 2000 calories a day
4. Go to gym at-least twice a week for 1 hour each
5. No fizzy drink
6. No junk food (allowed restaurant meal, healthy)

Will I be able to do this? YES, because I care about myself and those around me. And if I don’t I will write back in shame.