Category Archives: Technology

Kitchen Gadgets That I Love For Use / Innovation

I am not a kitchen guy, but I am a tech guy yes. And if you can put some tech into kitchen then I would love to spend some more time there 🙂

I came across these innovative or lazy concept / real tools for use in the kitchen and thought I will share. Honestly, some of them, I could esily have in my flat. I hope I can buy atleast a couple for when I buy a house.


This is useful. OK maybe not once you are out of Uni, but still. It makes my list.


OK, maybe I will never have this, but it solves a really good problem you know. Or maybe not, I am not even sure if it does what I think it does. 🙂


Say what you want, this is so going on my desk. Someday my beauty you will be with me.


Yes, totally want it.


Every man’s problem sitting in front of couch. One thing, in my arms, voila.


Currently Reading: Steve Jobs

I am currently reading Steve Jobs. It’s pretty cool so far. The first 100 pages of the book make me think, really, this guy built APPLE to where it is today?

He was a liberal hippy, smoking pot, being a fruitarian and bathing once a week during his start-up years.

Don’t get me wrong, it is pretty cool to read.

Geeks Guide To Cooking – OMFG


OMFG – whoever made this is just crazy awesome! A geek’s guide to cooking. OK now I am not too geeky and not too ‘cooky’ either, but this is pretty cool. 

I would genuinely like to – 

  • Cook a pizza at 1000 degC to see how fast it cooks! (to be fair it might just burn)
  • Bloggie Sport HD handheld camera, waterproof for blogging from inside a cake mix
  • Make liquid nitrogen ice-cream

You what the trouble is? You won’t impress your date with it. Nope you just won’t.Image