Category Archives: Uncategorized

Update – I sold Career Geek. Thank you and Goodbye.

I sold Career Geek Blog.

I ran the blog from 2011-2015. The blog has found a new owner for the site and now, I can publicly say, the blog is no more mine or me. Having run it for 4 years, I thought it was only fair, I updated you, my readers, friends and supporters. It’s been crazy, stressful and amazing.

Firstly – why did I sell?

I started the blog when I had graduated and was fresh out of university, with a wee bit more time than I have now. I love blogging, I love writing, I am a writer, a story teller and content creator. I found a gap in the UK market and plugged it with my blog. However, after 4 years you are not a “start-up” or “new kid on the block”. You are judged against heavy weights and pro bloggers – and there is nothing worse than overstaying your welcome anywhere, even online. Since August 2014, I’ve looked at reducing commitment on the blog and eventually this year I decided it’s best to hand over the blog to someone who has the knowledge and a plan to grow the asset.

It was time for the Pro’s to come in. And they have. It’s time for me to move on. This is the best outcome, instead of letting the blog to die and all that information going offline (since it takes time and money to run the blog).

Bottom line, I think the new owner will offer more than what I did. It was time for my exit.

Secondly – now what will I do?

I don’t have anything in mind, apart from 1000 other things to do with my life. Having put crazy amount of hours in this project over past few years, I am going to take a break. I learnt a lot and now it is time to take a step back and go over all the lessons.

Having said that, if you have a project, please let me know – I’d love to hear about it. I know a few of you are doing some great things whether that is STEM in schools, playing in a band or evening running your own blog… keep doing that. And I am here to discuss anything you may want to discuss.

Lastly – I was the face of the blog, but so many people helped me.

I wrote close to 400 articles for the blog and have bombarded you with a lot of articles (on facebook). But it wouldn’t be possible without the support of some awesome people.

Asya, Alina, Jimmy, Matt, Zoe, Gillian, Simi… you have helped me at various stages. You are amazing. I didn’t get a chance to ever meet any of you. However when our paths cross, I owe you a drink, at the least!

And you, my friend, thank you for reading the blog. I’ve had some great feedback from you. Without you, the blog wouldn’t be able to achieve what it did:

  • 2015 – Official Blog Partner of UK National Careers Week
  • Top 20 Expert Contributing to 8 Week Online Course for New Grads
  • Top 150 Career and Leadership Blog of 2014
  • Top 14 Blogs To Follow For Careers 2014
  • Contributing blog and Panel speaker for Guardian careers Q&A
  • One of first Global 1000 Partners to Launch with Google Helpouts
  • + more…

Thank you. And do let me know if you have a comment. You’ve been a lovely bunch of people.

Keep reading Career Geek 🙂

Freezing Assets #Uncoversation

#Unconversation is basically, conversations that were happening and my mind had an alternative version of it, which didn’t happen so the conversation was unconversation. This is pretty new, but I am going to keep up as much as I can.

So today an unconversation happened:

Engineer 1: A particular asset (machine) is in a place where for over 9 months the temperatures are below freezing temperatures.

Engineer 2: This makes managing the issues with the asset a bit difficult.

Me: Forget the asset, I am worried about the people who have their balls frozen out by being sub-zero temperatures for so long. 🙂


Turning Air Into Water – Magic? No. Science? Yes.

Internally, the panel consists of five devices that extract water vapour from the air using a condenser and filters.

Water is stored in tanks at the top of the structure. Once filtered, it flows down a pipe connected to a tap, accessible to everybody.

The internal system costs some US$1,200 (£790) to set up.

On the publicity side, the panel itself seeks to attract the “creative minds that Peru needs” to the young UTEC, which was founded only a year ago.

Read the whole story on BBC.

This is pretty cool isn’t it? I mean it’s a lot better than the national media banging on about having a car that runs on water – which is an overly simplistic view of exactly what goes on and I still haven’t seen one on the road. 

I still can’t find more information on the internal working of this air to water billboard, but sounds pretty good. I can see of more than one country having the room to set one of these ups. Just saying…