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me minion

Me Most Of The Time

This is me, most of the time. I will say something or do something or suggest something and everybody around me will be like WTF. Well, doesn’t matter if no one notices, when I know I am right, holy ravioli, I stick to it.

In fact when I stick to something, I am like fire in a dragons belly, always sticking. And that’s what you should be like. Stick to what you believe in, it freakin doesn’t hurt you does it? And be strong to be knocked down by others. It’s the part of getting up that brings smile to my face.

If you can take one piece of advice from me take this, try so many times and get up so many times that fate itself thinks, this son of a gun is a pain, give it to him 🙂

Crazy quote, I know, but hey what’s being normal any use of!