Tag Archives: Liberal Democrats

Meet with Dep. PM Nick Clegg

Nick Clegg addresses the Conference Rally in B...

Image via Wikipedia

So, I was lucky enough to get a place in the audience for the ‘Nick Clegg Meets’ event in Leicester (Showcase cinema). As expected, there were scattered small protests on different types of issues, but I wasn’t one bit interested in them. I was in the fourth row from the front, and Nick Clegg was supposed to be on the stage at half six and the event would last for an hour.

Just a few minutes past the time, he was on stage, alone, gaaaa he looked like a monster standing looking down on us ! Honestly, he looks a bit rough in real, than he does on the screen. Or maybe it was the day’s work that took it’s toll, I don’t know. Oh to those who don’t know him, Nick Clegg is the Liberal Democrat party leader and the Deputy Prime Minister in the coalition government.

It was a good session and we were told we could ask him about anything. There were 15 questions asked and answered, in a space of about one hour ten minutes, so it was a fruitful session with respect to time. The Q & A are listed below, with keywords, not actual sentences as I am not a reporter !

Q1 ) How bad is austerity ?

A1 ) It is not easy, but something has to be done – it is damn unfair and difficult but needs to be done – we are trying to get back spending to 2008 levels not to the 80s level – some allegations are very difficult to hear.

Q2) Why debt to students ?

A2) Very large number of students attend university now – we did not win elections, we came 3rd, we cannot be forming rules or making decisions on our own – our system actually will make you pay less than what you pay now – part time students will now be helped under our plans by getting loan and avoid having to pay up front.

Q3) Student pay-back will cost you (over period of time) & why the government urgency to cuts ?

A3) There are no easy cuts, even the alternative approach being mentioned is tough – to compare, Labour cuts are worth £14 billion , we are suggesting £16 billion cuts – There is no ‘no-consequence’ way of doing things – But, I cannot explain why the young people don’t understand this is better for their own future and further generations ?

Q4) Since last May, Labour’s decisions have been oppository – does Labour’s misrepresentation harm themselves, people, Lib Dem’s or Coalition govt ?

A4) In short term, Labour will be happy and benefit with improved ratings – but in long term they will regret it – people are not stupid, they will understand themselves – Labour does not have answers to basic questions – Labour introduced fees in the first place.

Q5) L’boro University has announced £9,000 fees today, how is this exceptional ?

A5) They can announce and charge the fees till they meet OFFA criteria, and OFFA signs to it – these universities have to prove that they will allow low-income family students – they can announce and say whatever they want, they will not be allowed to charge till they meet the criteria.

Q6) ‘Picking the tab’ I am 15, I couldn’t vote and all these debts are forced on my future, I think you are right-wing.

A6) I am stating facts, not some ideological answers – we will have 200,000 more people working in public sector – we are breaking final-salary pension scheme, this will make it fair for all people and more people will be better off when they leave – again, we are only restraining spending to 2008 levels – income tax payments will help poor people now – none of these are ideological cuts.

Q7) Views and vote on AV ?

A7) Virginmaverick says : I don’t care, I don’t take down !

Q8) Why is there no scheme for unemployed youth to get into business ?

A8) We are working on it and apprenticeship and internship schemes are boosted. There are 250 more internships and working on more.

Q9) You are in hurry to work on tax, cutting services, making people redundant, but no urgency on taxing or collecting right tax from tax-dodgers and businesses, independent services say we are losing £120 billion ?

A9) Facts – there has been more tax-recovery in last 12 months than before – increase in capital gain tax – new levy on banks, which wasn’t before, to the tune of £2.5 billion / year – actual tax loss is £40 billion and not £120 billion – some of it is being worked on clawing back, some of it will not be clawed back because of tax rules in other countries.

Q10) Pensions question ?

A10) Virginmaverick says : I don’t care, I don’t take down !

Q11) Apprentices are now, just businesses employing for cheap labour ?

A11) I will look into it – very disappointed to hear that – apprenticeship are supposed to be structured and help apprentices.

Q12) Manufacturing is dead and we still import duty-free from China ? and Foreign Policy – Libya cannot bomb but Israel can bomb ?

A12) I don’t agree that shutting business to China is a good idea, it’s bad economy – as a country we have lost ground on designing, innovation and manufacturing – we are still doing well (6th largest manufacturing country) – till now Britain was dependent on 1sq. mile of London – we are now promoting other businesses .

Foreign Policy – We are very outspoken on Israel and their actions – but that does not mean we should not support actions on Libya – plus, this is a legal and world supportive action, unlike some of the wars in Middle-East started by Labour.

Q13) Virginmaverick : Very complicated tax question !!!

A13) Virginmaverick says : I don’t care, I don’t take down !

Q14) Question on digital economy bill ?

A14) Virginmaverick says : I don’t care, I don’t take down !

There was one other question asked by an old lady on ISA, but I couldn’t get it clearly and neither the answer was conclusive. But overall it was a good session. And guess what Nick Clegg did, first thing after the session was over ? Switched off the mic, himself ! Oh the joys of listening to politicians off-record are gone now !

So, I have attended a meet by Baroness Warsi (Conservative), Dep. PM Nick Clegg (Lib. Dem), hopefully I get to hear something from Labour ! If any event is around please do drop a message. Peace.

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‘St.’ Vince v/s ‘The’ Murdoch v/s ‘Free’British Press

Not the best run into Christmas for Vince Cable (Lib Dem, Business Secretary, Coalition 2010) is it? Some undercover reporters from Telegraph (UK national newspaper) posing as his constituent residents, have got the casual side of him, which surprise-surprise is not 100% in-line with Conservatives. And a few other comments, which frankly speaking, make me ROFL. But once that is done I have a few reservations with the press here in Britain.

To clear it first up, I am not a Lib Dem supporter, uff, not them who could publicly make a ‘stupid’ decision with respect to tuition fees. Secondly, I love Britain, it’s a fair and fantastic country, with a ‘stupid’ national press as a black mark. Thirdly, I don’t hate Murdoch, even though he has made watching the English Premier League matches a lot difficult !!

Now, who gave Telegraph the right to bug Mr. Cable ? What wrong did they sniff to bug him down ? Any politician or even a ordinary man, will always have difference of opinion with other politicians, especially from other parties! But, hold on, I smell a rat here, is Telegraph against Mr.Murdoch’s complete takeover of BSkyB ? Oh yes they are, ha, there you go. I am all for free speech, but this is absolute non-sense, the constituents of Mr.Cable will now hear less of him and if possible they should sue the Telegraph for bugging (ha, any meaning of the word would fit this conversation !)Mr. Cable under their name!

This issue, has again flared my thoughts, the British national print media is completely biased and unfair. I accept no human can be completely un-biased and that creeps into the newspapers as well, but I have never seen or heard (LOL, or read!!) any other national (good) newspaper supporting a Prime Ministerial candidate before the elections? That was when I realised, this media isn’t fair at all!! This rubbish is not seen in a developing country like India. Seriously, the national print media in Britain is f***** up.

Lastly, all this has led to Mr. Cable scoring an “own goal” in the “war against Murdoch”. Not only has he been released from his duty to look into the BSkyB takeover, but somebody else coming in, would more or less approve the takeover. I will be honest, I am against complete takeover of BSkyB as well, because I don’t believe in creating a power house!

All in all, disappointed at how the media works in the UK.

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Debt Sentence to Students ?

On Thursday the 9th of December 323 ‘ayes’ led to the law of increasing tuition fees in England to a maximum of £9000 p.a. TO begin with, I am not a UK student, I am an international student and the whole law thing does not affect me, neither my immediate friends, as, this law comes into rule 2013 onwards. But, all  the same it disappoints me. What frustrates me completely is the view of the coalition government as well as the opposition.

The policies in the new system of education would be an ‘improvement’ as compared to the current system. I won’t dwell into complex numbers, but an increase in re-payment threshold from £15,000 to national average salary of £21,000 p.a. is a more practical figure. Part-time students will be treated the same way as full-time students, which is a good idea and a fair one as well. And a couple of more, good ones. What fails me, is why was the coalition in such a hurry to get this through ? The idea, is ill-received by the people, misunderstood by the students and completely hated by the Lib Dem supporters. People’s ‘perception’ to the idea is negative, why wasn’t more done to improve that perception ? It just makes me think this coalition is high-handed in it’s affairs. I might be wrong here, but that’s that. Although, that is my view, some of my English friends are clearly in favour of this system, though it has to be noted they won’t be affected by this as they will be done by the time it kicks in. Yet, it shows those who have dissected the document have come to realise it is not so bad as it is made out to be.

Now the opposition, oh deary – dear, I am lost for words here, because they themselves are lost for words! They oppose the raising of tuition fees to £9000 p.a. but have no concrete alternative solution to manage the funding gap left by the cuts. I understand their point that, Higher Education budget should not be cut by 80%. Which is absolutely true, that is some massive cuts there and what are the University Vice-Chancellors doing ? Their silence is deafening. They’ve got scot free in this coalition-students saga. I feel betrayed, the person that runs my University has quietly agreed to a 80% cut in his budget and agreed to increase fees without a question or fuss about it. Think if the NHS, Police force, etc decided to do that ? These bodies are fighting for every penny being cut, but Universities have clearly betrayed me here! And the opposition, yeah, on them, they support a graduate tax, that’s it ? On what ? What would be the threshold ? What would be the fee increase ? No numbers to back up the leader’s word! Or no words from the leader at all, whichever way you want to take it. But clearly disappointing.

So does this mean it is a Debt Sentence to Students ?

Technically no, because the student debt will not be counted towards any financial judgement in future, which means no modelling would be done taking into account the student debt. It is between the government and student. But, the thing with government is, you give them a finger to hold and they will snatch a hand. Next time and every-time, I expect the coalition government to be clear and not behave high-handedly with any of the policies. For this reason, I will oppose the fee rise, on this very basic point.

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