Tag Archives: Lord Browne Report

Lord Browne tries his hand at dictatorship and wins!

On an ordinary time-wasting evening, going through the various channels of twitter, one caught my eye, about an exclusive release on Browne review by timeshigherread.

After three hours of wait, finally got to read the article of ‘Exclusive release on Browne review’, which can be read by clicking on this link. It basically releases the story about how a survey which clearly concluded that students and parents were not ready and could not afford more than £6000 of fees. Yet this concern by the ‘common man’ did not feature in the final report, neither in any debates, nor in any discussions. But is in-line with my argument since the tuition fee debacle, that raising the fee 3 times is just not acceptable and maximum raise should have been £6000. Am glad that other thought so as well, but the Browne review in it’s best dictatorship behaviour decided to dump the ‘common man’.

Well done Lord Browne. And well done the supporters of tripling of fee.

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