Tag Archives: technology

Currently Reading: Steve Jobs

I am currently reading Steve Jobs. It’s pretty cool so far. The first 100 pages of the book make me think, really, this guy built APPLE to where it is today?

He was a liberal hippy, smoking pot, being a fruitarian and bathing once a week during his start-up years.

Don’t get me wrong, it is pretty cool to read.

Turning Air Into Water – Magic? No. Science? Yes.

Internally, the panel consists of five devices that extract water vapour from the air using a condenser and filters.

Water is stored in tanks at the top of the structure. Once filtered, it flows down a pipe connected to a tap, accessible to everybody.

The internal system costs some US$1,200 (£790) to set up.

On the publicity side, the panel itself seeks to attract the “creative minds that Peru needs” to the young UTEC, which was founded only a year ago.

Read the whole story on BBC.

This is pretty cool isn’t it? I mean it’s a lot better than the national media banging on about having a car that runs on water – which is an overly simplistic view of exactly what goes on and I still haven’t seen one on the road. 

I still can’t find more information on the internal working of this air to water billboard, but sounds pretty good. I can see of more than one country having the room to set one of these ups. Just saying…

The Idea About Internet Electricity – Stupid or Ludicrous?

I have always had this idea about ‘internet electricity’ – essentially a way to transmit electricity and charge equipments through connecting to the internet.

Transmitting electricity through internet – the idea

How cool could it be, if my phone battery is dying down and I don’t want to charge it through my laptop as I want to use the laptop for a while. So I simply pull connect the phone to my laptop, log-in to a website which offers ‘internet electricity’ (for a price of course) and instead of downloading data I download ‘internet electricity’ into my phone and charge it! Voila – that would be cool.

Here is my attempt at showing a computer and a phone being charged with it. Not Leonardo da Vinci material, am I?
